Apples and ice skating

Created by Aurea 2 years ago

All of our memories of Ryan are of good times with a fantastic young man, but when I think of him I often recall him when he and Emily visited our house on two particular occasions.

The first was a glorious, warm day at the end of summer when we were sitting in the garden. I was sitting chatting to Emily whist Ryan wandered about enjoying the sun and helping himself to apples off the trees. We watched him as he ate apple after apple to a point where we were worried about his digestive system. 'I love these,' he said 'there's nothing better than fresh apples off the tree'. He then happily ate several more before we managed to stop him.

Another time when they were over we went ice-skating at the local shopping mall. It was Christmas time and pouring with rain, but we all slid round the outdoor ice rink getting ridiculously wet, gripping the sides, falling over and laughing at each other. By the end we were soaked through but decided that we had had a great time but none of us were as good at ice-skating as we had claimed beforehand.

We will always remember Ryan as a wonderful, positive, open, kind and happy member of the family. 

Aurea and Simon